Parking in any densely populated areas I imagine has been a topic of conversation in Salisbury, NC since the day of the horse. Even with a trolley line bisecting Main St. I would bet people have been discussing where they left their ride.
In regards to residential parking downtown, in the afternoons when you get home from work, parking is available everywhere.
Shops are closing up, retail customers are departing. There is a contingent of a dining crowd and the event going on somewhere but in general, take your pick.
In addition, the more traffic can be slowed down the more people of Salisbury can get there by just walking/biking from their front door. How many bike parking spaces are there in downtown? Why don’t we know this number and include it in all the material that speaks to the number of car parking spaces we have.
“But if I walk, how can I carry my watermellon home from the market!?!” they will say.
and I would simply ask, “When was the last time you walked to Downtown Salisbury to eat dinner?
Say you can’t walk or bike? …considered a golf cart? They are much smaller and we could easily fit twice as many of those in the same space. Where are they located on the Main Street redesign plan?
More parking info:
…yes this post is for keyword fishing and link tracking purposes as well… Nice to see you too.